We now have spaces available for September 2023. Please contact Rachel on 02392 258983.
We now have spaces available for September 2023. Please contact Rachel on 02392 258983.



Tots 2 Toddlers welcome all families to our beautiful nursery. Please give us a call to book in a visit to look around, and we will be able to answer any questions you have.

We offer term time and all year round places, and also offer a 5% sibling discount.

We provide free settling in sessions for all parents and receive the 2 year old and 3 to 4 year old funding.

You can get in touch with us via the contact page or ring us on 02392258983 

We hope to see you soon!

We pride ourselves on our reputation, recommendations and homely atmosphere.

We're on Facebook! We update our Facebook regularly with lots of photos,

We're also on Instagram, Just search Tots 2 Toddlers.

Follow us on Twitter!

We're here for you:


Tots 2 Toddlers,               Anders House,                            Milton Road,            Waterlooville                          PO7 6AW

Our Vision

  • Children feel welcomed, safe and secure in an environment that builds upon each child’s wants, needs and interests.
  • Children build positive relationships and bonds with key adults ensuring they feel loved and valued, allowing them to explore and be themselves as unique individuals.
  • The individuality of each child is mirrored within the environment and activities provided.
  • Children develop their knowledge and skills to their full potential so they grow into independent, self-motivated, caring individuals.
  • They develop good communication skills through positive interaction with adults and children.
  • Children learn to love learning and show curiosity, they have many opportunities to ask questions and be interested in the answers to solve problems and think critically.
  • To work in partnership with parents and outside agencies to ensure children are developing to their full potential.

Our Core Aims

At Tots 2 Toddlers we've incorporated the Fundamental British Values into the core aims.


Links to EYFS: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Supporting and encouraging self-awareness and self-confidence

  • To encourage all children in their own decision making

  • Children to speak about their feelings and value another's views and opinions

  • A well-planned environment that allows children to explore who they are, how they feel, and how they see themselves within the wider community

Rule of Law

Links to EYFS: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Managing feelings and behaviour

  • To support children to understand their own and others behavior and its consequences, and learn to distinguish between right and wrong

  • Staff to collaborate with children to create rules and codes of behaviour, for example, to agree the rules of tiding up and to ensure all children understand rules apply to everyone

Individual Liberty

Links to EYFS: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Self-confidence and Self-awareness; Understanding of the World; People and Communities

  • Allow children to take risks to help them to become more resilient and confident individuals

  • To create children that have a 'can do' attitude, who seek out a challenge and take appropriate risks in their learning experience

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Links to EYFS: Understanding of the World; People and Communities

  • We value all different views, faiths, beliefs, cultures and races, and all children are respected for who they are


Would you like to learn more about our approach?

Please contact us on 02392 258 983

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